Tuesday, April 14

It's Funny

I love getting the emails or PMs asking me when I'm going to update because it's funny. I feel like I'm writing all the time. True, it may not be what they're following at the moment, but I do write a lot.

A lot, a lot.

The boyfriend sat me down the other day as a sort of intervention because he felt I was spending too much time on the computer.

I didn't know how to answer him because to me, it seems like I'm always trying to catch up. Between the podcast, writing two multi-chaptered fics, the online community stuff, and keeping in touch with the friends I've made online, I AM online most of the day. Plus I listen to tons of music and watch whatever movies or television shows I've downloaded inbetween the times I'm not online. So I see where he's coming from. From his viewpoint, I'm just online. From mine, I'm clearly doing different things and never really getting anything done.


I don't know what to cut down on, though. I thought about it all day yesterday. I love writing. Now that I've started, I find it hard to stop. Plot ideas rattle around in my head all day long. Lines I want Edward or Bella to say pop up at random times and I'll find myself hunting for a piece of paper in my car while driving so I can scribble it down before I forget it. I love doing the podcast. I love talking to Caitlin, Danielle, and Claire about this thing that has become such a big part of my life. And I love talking to/stalking the women I've met online.

But I am going to cut down... around him. That might mean I'll have to skip a podcast episode recording here or there, or be a little later on my updating, but so be it. Because I love John (that's the boyfriend, btw) and I'll push aside what makes me happy a little bit to make him happier.

It's all about compromise, right? Finding that balance. (Hah! I knew I could use it at least once in this post.) -serious time again- So if that upsets some people or makes them go into a frenzy... whatev. He's more important to me.

God, when did I get so freakin' sappy?

I'm going to write something dirty now for a friend's birthday... Later.

Wednesday, April 1

April?? WTH?

When did April sneak up and kick me in the ass? Not cool, April. Our friendship is over. No more enjoying your showers or looking for Easter eggs for us. We're done. You're supposed to at least let your 'friends' know when you're coming, not just show up and crash the party. Did you lose my cell number or something?

Besides my anger at April, life is... eh. Work, boyfriend, reading, podcast, occasionally writing, trying to find a balance between all that and keeping up with my friends - the list can go, but I'll stop there.

I finished Chapter 16 of 'I've Been Looking For You'. Now I'm just waiting for vjgm to validate it so I can post it over on FFn. Also working on Chapter 12 of 'Resident Geek' and outlining my Twilight Gift Exchange story so I can start working on that in between my other stuff. (Dear lord, why do I agree to more?)

We recorded episode 12 for the podcast this past Saturday, and it should be out soon. I'm really excited about this week's subject cuz we're FINALLY talking about slash! (One of my favorite subjects. Hah!)

The boyfriend's camping, starting tonight. I'm going to have three blissful nights to myself! (You'd understand that excitement if you lived with someone and you value your personal space every once in a while.) I'm hoping those nights will be spent writing and catching up with everything I need to do.

Here's to hoping!