I love getting the emails or PMs asking me when I'm going to update because it's funny. I feel like I'm writing all the time. True, it may not be what they're following at the moment, but I do write a lot.
A lot, a lot.
The boyfriend sat me down the other day as a sort of intervention because he felt I was spending too much time on the computer.
A lot, a lot.
The boyfriend sat me down the other day as a sort of intervention because he felt I was spending too much time on the computer.

I didn't know how to answer him because to me, it seems like I'm always trying to catch up. Between the podcast, writing two multi-chaptered fics, the online community stuff, and keeping in touch with the friends I've made online, I AM online most of the day. Plus I listen to tons of music and watch whatever movies or television shows I've downloaded inbetween the times I'm not online. So I see where he's coming from. From his viewpoint, I'm just online. From mine, I'm clearly doing different things and never really getting anything done.
I don't know what to cut down on, though. I thought about it all day yesterday. I love writing. Now that I've started, I find it hard to stop. Plot ideas rattle around in my head all day long. Lines I want Edward or Bella to say pop up at random times and I'll find myself hunting for a piece of paper in my car while driving so I can scribble it down before I forget it. I love doing the podcast. I love talking to Caitlin, Danielle, and Claire about this thing that has become such a big part of my life. And I love talking to/stalking the women I've met online.
But I am going to cut down... around him. That might mean I'll have to skip a podcast episode recording here or there, or be a little later on my updating, but so be it. Because I love John (that's the boyfriend, btw) and I'll push aside what makes me happy a little bit to make him happier.
It's all about compromise, right? Finding that balance. (Hah! I knew I could use it at least once in this post.) -serious time again- So if that upsets some people or makes them go into a frenzy... whatev. He's more important to me.
God, when did I get so freakin' sappy?
I'm going to write something dirty now for a friend's birthday... Later.