Tuesday, March 3

Thank God That's Over

I finally finished writing Chapter 11 for Resident Geek. It's being looked over right now by my DnD expert, Dollegirl, and my beta, Jen, so hopefully it'll get back to me sometime tonight or tomorrow and then I'll post it for public viewing.

Personally, I'm just glad it's written. I learned so much about DnD and now I have no outlet to use it. It's kind of frustrating. I want to play just so I can use my newfound knowledge, but I certainly don't need another thing to become addicted to.

Rock, hard place.

I'm going to be taking a break for the rest of the week after I post from writing. I need a break. Besides, I've got awesome Saturday plans with my parents and boyfriend, and then the podcast to record on Sunday. And I might be the one editing it together if Caitlin is too busy with school and the play she's working on. Eek.
