Wednesday, January 28

What's this?

I may or may not have finished writing Chapter 15 for IBL4Y last night and my lovely beta may or may not have sent me back the final product.

Hmmm... the world may never know.

Until I post it. Then you'll know.


So, here's what going on in my life - it iced over last night and people are freaking out down here because there's rarely ice or snow in the DFW area. So it took me an HOUR and a HALF to get to work, when it usually only takes me 25 minutes. Frakkin' people and their over-obsessive need to drive 10 mph when most of the ice has already melted.

I swear, one mention of ice or sleet down here and people go into 'crisis mode'. It's chaos. Schools close, businesses shut down early, people drive waaaaay too slow. It's tragic.

And I'm a little ashamed to call myself a Texan right now.

Come on people, we're better than this!

That's all I got.

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