Tuesday, February 10

Holy Headache, Batman

I'm getting sick.


I can feel my nasal passageway closing by the second and the headache that won't die pounding away between my temples. And what really sucks about all of this? I have to pull a 10 hour work day tomorrow.

Anyone want to trade places?

On the RG front, I found and downloaded a copy of the Player's Handbook and I'm slowly making my way through it. I have to stop every five pages or so because my head starts hurting too much. (Partly from the headache and partly because D&D is too damn confusing when you first start out.) I just thank my lucky stars that I played WoW for as long as I did and can understand the basic jest of it right away. It's the little things that drive me up a wall. Like, the three basic principles from which all over rules stem from. One) Simple rules, many exceptions. Meaning, there may be a rule that says you can't learn advanced sword skills without first learning basic skills, BUT if you're a... whatever you may innantely know advanced sword skills. Two) Specific rules beat generic rules. Basically, if there's a rule that says you can't use a power when it's charging and you have a specific rule on your arcane blast that says you can. Then you can. Three) Always round down with fractions. (This one I'm actually fine with.)

It's freakin' principles one and two that make my head spin.

So... what they're trying to say is anything can go, as long as you keep track of it and know when you can break the rules.

Which is confusing as hell to me.

Rules are rules, people. You're not supposed to have so many damn exceptions to every rule. If you do, then they shouldn't be called RULES. They should be called guidelines.

...I may feel a little strongly about this, in case you couldn't tell.

Anyhoo, the chapter is inching along. I think I'm going to focus on IBL4Y whenever I get stuck on something for RG and have to wait for Dolle to get back to me.

Oh, and the seventh episode of the podcast is up. (The one where I get interviewed. Egads!) We got some awesome graphics up on the page now. Makes us seem more legit.

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