Thursday, October 21

I want to cry

Ugh. Tonight was crap. Work was super busy, so I was running around a lot. And then I had a giveaway itch, so I entered a crazy amount of giveaways and didn't get anything read. I'm supposed to review Angelfire by Courtney Allison Moulton on Saturday. ...I don't see that happening. And, AND!, I have WAY too many books to read. I honestly never thought I'd complain about that. But my TBR bookshelf is completely full (and starting to bend in the middle from the weight), and it's spilling onto my desk and inside my car. And then I go and enter all these giveaways? What's wrong with me?

I think I have a problem.

In better news, I might be going to a Sci-Fi convention with my mom on Saturday. William Shatner, Jonathan Frakes, Michael Dorin, Christopher Lloyd, Brent Spiner, and Tom Felton will be there signing things! I really hope we can go and I can meet Tom Felton. I have a 'he's too young for me but I don't care because he has a British accent and is super cute' crush on him. My mom wants to get all the Star Trek cast members. So... there's that.

Oh! And I get my Kindle tomorrow! Yay!!!! I'm super excited about it! I'll be able to read galleys on it, which will be great since I get too distracted reading online. The interwebs are not a good place for a person who likes shiny things (see: blog's profile pic).

I started writing RG again, which was really nice. I've been too busy this week to do anything with it, but I have high hopes I'll finish the whole thing by the end of the year. What a relief that will be.

As of right now I'm reading: Angelfire (see above), The Passage by Justin Cronin, and Nevermore by Kelly Creagh.

Up next: Delirium by Lauren Oliver, Rage by Jackie Morse Kessler, and Prophecy of the Sisters by Michelle Zink, plus several manga volumes!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you had a rough day - - but YAY for your new Kindle!! Enjoy!

    Thank you for stopping by my blog - - happy to find yours!
