Wednesday, March 23

Alone and Bored

The boyfriend's gone. He left last Friday and I've talked to him once since then. *sigh* It's so weird not to talk to him every day. I find myself filling the time at night when I get home with movies and/or books, or I waste time on a stupid website.

My 'pick-me-up' therapy is an obvious one, since I'm a bookaholic. I buy more books. And I recently found out the Borders closest to me was closing, so OF COURSE I stocked up on new-ish manga that was 30% off. (It's hard to find older teen/adult manga on sale.) I also stalked the bookswap page on Goodreads and ended up with some good finds for around $4 each (shipping cost). I feel slightly better, but regardless, I've nipped the splurge on books on the bud. I don't need anymore. Honestly, I need to dwindle my TBR pile down. Especially since I'll be moving next month.

My mom is coming up this weekend and we're going to see the new Jane Eyre, shop, and look for a new apartment for me.

A friend of mine and I started a new podcast for the site we review books on. It's like riding a bike since we've done this before, but with a different theme. We're going to try recording an episode every two weeks and cover different aspects of the YA world.

Anyway, right now I'm reading a cute parody on fantasy books called The Wizard, the Witch and the Two Girls from Jersey by Lisa Papademetriou. I started reading it today at a Starbucks and laughed out loud a couple times, which I'm sure brought stares, but I didn't notice since I was reading. I'm also almost done with The Pleasure Garden by Amanda McIntyre, Charlotte Featherstone and Kristi Astor. It's steamy (especially Charlotte's part), but the stories themselves are alright. Charlotte's tended to be repetitive since she kept switching between characters and had them thinking about the same thing over and over. Amanda's story was interesting. I've just started Kristi's and it's intriguing so far. Hopefully it'll end on a good note. I'm going to start Rage by Jackie Kessler and then either Forgive My Fins by Tera Lynn Childs or Prom & Prejudice by Elizabeth Eulberg next.

That's all I've got. Later!

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