If you want to laugh over how the 'other side' lives, i.e., your husband, boyfriend or significant other, while you're indulging in all the Twilight stuff out there, definitely check out this blog.
Twilight Widowers Anonymous
It's hilarious! And I pimped it out on the podcast, which should have a new episode up sometime tonight.
Whatever pops into my head - may include stories about my life, what I'm reading, working on, etc.
Tuesday, April 14
It's Funny
I love getting the emails or PMs asking me when I'm going to update because it's funny. I feel like I'm writing all the time. True, it may not be what they're following at the moment, but I do write a lot.
A lot, a lot.
The boyfriend sat me down the other day as a sort of intervention because he felt I was spending too much time on the computer.
A lot, a lot.
The boyfriend sat me down the other day as a sort of intervention because he felt I was spending too much time on the computer.

I didn't know how to answer him because to me, it seems like I'm always trying to catch up. Between the podcast, writing two multi-chaptered fics, the online community stuff, and keeping in touch with the friends I've made online, I AM online most of the day. Plus I listen to tons of music and watch whatever movies or television shows I've downloaded inbetween the times I'm not online. So I see where he's coming from. From his viewpoint, I'm just online. From mine, I'm clearly doing different things and never really getting anything done.
I don't know what to cut down on, though. I thought about it all day yesterday. I love writing. Now that I've started, I find it hard to stop. Plot ideas rattle around in my head all day long. Lines I want Edward or Bella to say pop up at random times and I'll find myself hunting for a piece of paper in my car while driving so I can scribble it down before I forget it. I love doing the podcast. I love talking to Caitlin, Danielle, and Claire about this thing that has become such a big part of my life. And I love talking to/stalking the women I've met online.
But I am going to cut down... around him. That might mean I'll have to skip a podcast episode recording here or there, or be a little later on my updating, but so be it. Because I love John (that's the boyfriend, btw) and I'll push aside what makes me happy a little bit to make him happier.
It's all about compromise, right? Finding that balance. (Hah! I knew I could use it at least once in this post.) -serious time again- So if that upsets some people or makes them go into a frenzy... whatev. He's more important to me.
God, when did I get so freakin' sappy?
I'm going to write something dirty now for a friend's birthday... Later.
Wednesday, April 1
April?? WTH?
When did April sneak up and kick me in the ass? Not cool, April. Our friendship is over. No more enjoying your showers or looking for Easter eggs for us. We're done. You're supposed to at least let your 'friends' know when you're coming, not just show up and crash the party. Did you lose my cell number or something?
Besides my anger at April, life is... eh. Work, boyfriend, reading, podcast, occasionally writing, trying to find a balance between all that and keeping up with my friends - the list can go, but I'll stop there.
I finished Chapter 16 of 'I've Been Looking For You'. Now I'm just waiting for vjgm to validate it so I can post it over on FFn. Also working on Chapter 12 of 'Resident Geek' and outlining my Twilight Gift Exchange story so I can start working on that in between my other stuff. (Dear lord, why do I agree to more?)
We recorded episode 12 for the podcast this past Saturday, and it should be out soon. I'm really excited about this week's subject cuz we're FINALLY talking about slash! (One of my favorite subjects. Hah!)
The boyfriend's camping, starting tonight. I'm going to have three blissful nights to myself! (You'd understand that excitement if you lived with someone and you value your personal space every once in a while.) I'm hoping those nights will be spent writing and catching up with everything I need to do.
Here's to hoping!
Besides my anger at April, life is... eh. Work, boyfriend, reading, podcast, occasionally writing, trying to find a balance between all that and keeping up with my friends - the list can go, but I'll stop there.
I finished Chapter 16 of 'I've Been Looking For You'. Now I'm just waiting for vjgm to validate it so I can post it over on FFn. Also working on Chapter 12 of 'Resident Geek' and outlining my Twilight Gift Exchange story so I can start working on that in between my other stuff. (Dear lord, why do I agree to more?)
We recorded episode 12 for the podcast this past Saturday, and it should be out soon. I'm really excited about this week's subject cuz we're FINALLY talking about slash! (One of my favorite subjects. Hah!)
The boyfriend's camping, starting tonight. I'm going to have three blissful nights to myself! (You'd understand that excitement if you lived with someone and you value your personal space every once in a while.) I'm hoping those nights will be spent writing and catching up with everything I need to do.
Here's to hoping!
Tuesday, March 3
Thank God That's Over
I finally finished writing Chapter 11 for Resident Geek. It's being looked over right now by my DnD expert, Dollegirl, and my beta, Jen, so hopefully it'll get back to me sometime tonight or tomorrow and then I'll post it for public viewing.
Personally, I'm just glad it's written. I learned so much about DnD and now I have no outlet to use it. It's kind of frustrating. I want to play just so I can use my newfound knowledge, but I certainly don't need another thing to become addicted to.
Rock, hard place.
I'm going to be taking a break for the rest of the week after I post from writing. I need a break. Besides, I've got awesome Saturday plans with my parents and boyfriend, and then the podcast to record on Sunday. And I might be the one editing it together if Caitlin is too busy with school and the play she's working on. Eek.
Personally, I'm just glad it's written. I learned so much about DnD and now I have no outlet to use it. It's kind of frustrating. I want to play just so I can use my newfound knowledge, but I certainly don't need another thing to become addicted to.
Rock, hard place.
I'm going to be taking a break for the rest of the week after I post from writing. I need a break. Besides, I've got awesome Saturday plans with my parents and boyfriend, and then the podcast to record on Sunday. And I might be the one editing it together if Caitlin is too busy with school and the play she's working on. Eek.
Thursday, February 19
RG Love
So... my big news is that Resident Geek was nominated for the 'Edward you wish was your boyfriend' Bellie of the new Twilight awards, the Eddies and Bellies.
You can check out my reaction to the news in the 8th episode of the Temptation podcast. I still grin uncontrollably every time I think about it.
Let's see. What else...
I'm slowly writing the next RG chapter. But I accidentally stumbled into a new series of books from Laurell K. Hamilton, which I already read one of her series, the Anita Blake one. I started the Meredith Gentry series and just finished book 7 this morning. This is the main reason why you haven't heard from me in a while. A book or so a day takes up a lot of time. ...not that this is news to me since I've read a lot since the day I figured out what the alphabet was.
That's about all I got.
You can check out my reaction to the news in the 8th episode of the Temptation podcast. I still grin uncontrollably every time I think about it.
Let's see. What else...
I'm slowly writing the next RG chapter. But I accidentally stumbled into a new series of books from Laurell K. Hamilton, which I already read one of her series, the Anita Blake one. I started the Meredith Gentry series and just finished book 7 this morning. This is the main reason why you haven't heard from me in a while. A book or so a day takes up a lot of time. ...not that this is news to me since I've read a lot since the day I figured out what the alphabet was.
That's about all I got.
Tuesday, February 10
Holy Headache, Batman
I'm getting sick.
I can feel my nasal passageway closing by the second and the headache that won't die pounding away between my temples. And what really sucks about all of this? I have to pull a 10 hour work day tomorrow.
Anyone want to trade places?
On the RG front, I found and downloaded a copy of the Player's Handbook and I'm slowly making my way through it. I have to stop every five pages or so because my head starts hurting too much. (Partly from the headache and partly because D&D is too damn confusing when you first start out.) I just thank my lucky stars that I played WoW for as long as I did and can understand the basic jest of it right away. It's the little things that drive me up a wall. Like, the three basic principles from which all over rules stem from. One) Simple rules, many exceptions. Meaning, there may be a rule that says you can't learn advanced sword skills without first learning basic skills, BUT if you're a... whatever you may innantely know advanced sword skills. Two) Specific rules beat generic rules. Basically, if there's a rule that says you can't use a power when it's charging and you have a specific rule on your arcane blast that says you can. Then you can. Three) Always round down with fractions. (This one I'm actually fine with.)
It's freakin' principles one and two that make my head spin.
So... what they're trying to say is anything can go, as long as you keep track of it and know when you can break the rules.
Which is confusing as hell to me.
Rules are rules, people. You're not supposed to have so many damn exceptions to every rule. If you do, then they shouldn't be called RULES. They should be called guidelines.
...I may feel a little strongly about this, in case you couldn't tell.
Anyhoo, the chapter is inching along. I think I'm going to focus on IBL4Y whenever I get stuck on something for RG and have to wait for Dolle to get back to me.
Oh, and the seventh episode of the podcast is up. (The one where I get interviewed. Egads!) We got some awesome graphics up on the page now. Makes us seem more legit.
I can feel my nasal passageway closing by the second and the headache that won't die pounding away between my temples. And what really sucks about all of this? I have to pull a 10 hour work day tomorrow.
Anyone want to trade places?
On the RG front, I found and downloaded a copy of the Player's Handbook and I'm slowly making my way through it. I have to stop every five pages or so because my head starts hurting too much. (Partly from the headache and partly because D&D is too damn confusing when you first start out.) I just thank my lucky stars that I played WoW for as long as I did and can understand the basic jest of it right away. It's the little things that drive me up a wall. Like, the three basic principles from which all over rules stem from. One) Simple rules, many exceptions. Meaning, there may be a rule that says you can't learn advanced sword skills without first learning basic skills, BUT if you're a... whatever you may innantely know advanced sword skills. Two) Specific rules beat generic rules. Basically, if there's a rule that says you can't use a power when it's charging and you have a specific rule on your arcane blast that says you can. Then you can. Three) Always round down with fractions. (This one I'm actually fine with.)
It's freakin' principles one and two that make my head spin.
So... what they're trying to say is anything can go, as long as you keep track of it and know when you can break the rules.
Which is confusing as hell to me.
Rules are rules, people. You're not supposed to have so many damn exceptions to every rule. If you do, then they shouldn't be called RULES. They should be called guidelines.
...I may feel a little strongly about this, in case you couldn't tell.
Anyhoo, the chapter is inching along. I think I'm going to focus on IBL4Y whenever I get stuck on something for RG and have to wait for Dolle to get back to me.
Oh, and the seventh episode of the podcast is up. (The one where I get interviewed. Egads!) We got some awesome graphics up on the page now. Makes us seem more legit.
Sunday, February 8
I'm going to kill my internet
I swear, I am. It keeps dipping in and out. About every five seconds, it looses connection. And then gets it back. And this just keeps happening, over and over and over... and over.
VERY frustrating.
I even tried to overcome this crappy internet connection by going to Panera Bread to use their free internet for the podcast episode recording. But Panera Bread failed me. Apparently they kill their wireless around their 'busy time' (ie, lunch time) to make the freebie lurkers move on.
Double GRR.
And I'm not kidding or exaggerating. My internet connection died while I typed this up.
Yeah... not cool.
I've been writing a little of RG's next chapter. It's pretty slow going because every new paragraph brings five to ten questions with it that I have to ask Dollegirl (my D&D expert). And there's a certain scene that comes along later in the story which will not get out of my head, so I had to write it all down. Very unusual for me to write an entire scene like that outside of the story sequence.
The boyfriend's out of town today. I miss him. *sigh*
Anyhoo, that's all I've got.
VERY frustrating.
I even tried to overcome this crappy internet connection by going to Panera Bread to use their free internet for the podcast episode recording. But Panera Bread failed me. Apparently they kill their wireless around their 'busy time' (ie, lunch time) to make the freebie lurkers move on.
Double GRR.
And I'm not kidding or exaggerating. My internet connection died while I typed this up.
Yeah... not cool.
I've been writing a little of RG's next chapter. It's pretty slow going because every new paragraph brings five to ten questions with it that I have to ask Dollegirl (my D&D expert). And there's a certain scene that comes along later in the story which will not get out of my head, so I had to write it all down. Very unusual for me to write an entire scene like that outside of the story sequence.
The boyfriend's out of town today. I miss him. *sigh*
Anyhoo, that's all I've got.
Thursday, February 5
RG Updated!
Yeah, I know. I was shocked too when I finally finished a chapter.
The response I got in the last 18 hours astounds me. I am literally astounded.
Right. Now.
I started working on the next chapter. It's kind of slow going since every two minutes I come upon yet something else I have no idea about and have to email Dollegirl with a buttload of questions. (And in case you were wondering, a buttload is more than a load, but less than a boatload.)
The response I got in the last 18 hours astounds me. I am literally astounded.
Right. Now.
I started working on the next chapter. It's kind of slow going since every two minutes I come upon yet something else I have no idea about and have to email Dollegirl with a buttload of questions. (And in case you were wondering, a buttload is more than a load, but less than a boatload.)
Tuesday, February 3
I forgot to post the last two days. My bad.
So, we recorded a new episode of the podcast. It's up and everything. We had a special guest on: withthevampsofcourse! She's rock awesome and I love her to death.
Also, I've been working on the next chapter of RG and I'm almost done with the pre-edited version. Just two more steps to go through and you'll get a new update!
Caitlin was interviewed for the Twilighters Anonymous Podcast and she briefly talks about our favorite fanfictions and plugs our podcast. Her interview is in the first part, near the end. Check it out.
That's all I got. Later.
So, we recorded a new episode of the podcast. It's up and everything. We had a special guest on: withthevampsofcourse! She's rock awesome and I love her to death.
Also, I've been working on the next chapter of RG and I'm almost done with the pre-edited version. Just two more steps to go through and you'll get a new update!
Caitlin was interviewed for the Twilighters Anonymous Podcast and she briefly talks about our favorite fanfictions and plugs our podcast. Her interview is in the first part, near the end. Check it out.
That's all I got. Later.
Saturday, January 31
Worked a little on RG last night and stupidly agreed to work today.
I don't know what I was thinking. I hate working on the weekends. It always makes me cranky.
But, I guess it's better to get overtime than to lay around and do nothing.
Umm... let me rephrase that, I wish I was laying around and doing nothing rather than getting overtime.
I don't know what I was thinking. I hate working on the weekends. It always makes me cranky.
But, I guess it's better to get overtime than to lay around and do nothing.
Umm... let me rephrase that, I wish I was laying around and doing nothing rather than getting overtime.
Friday, January 30
Laziness Is Next To Procrastination
Hold the phone, ladies and gentlemen.
I actually wrote some of RG last night.
I know, it's shocking. But I'm sure you guys will be able to handle it.
Really, that's all I got. I was boring yesterday and did pretty much... nothing but work. Bah.
Okay, laters.
I actually wrote some of RG last night.
I know, it's shocking. But I'm sure you guys will be able to handle it.
Really, that's all I got. I was boring yesterday and did pretty much... nothing but work. Bah.
Okay, laters.
Thursday, January 29
OME, an update??
The fifth episode of the podcast is up! I know we're late this week, but there's a good reason for it.
I finished the second book of Mortal Instruments and now I'm waiting here, semi-patiently, tapping my fingers on the desk, for the third book to be released in two months. TWO, damn it.
And the major news of the day, I posted Chapter 15 of I've Been Looking For You. It's up on Twilighted and FF as of now. (Ugh, the drama! Hah.)
I feel almost like an evil scientist for posting something so angsty and then just leaving it on a cliffhanger. ...and I'm loving the reviews I'm getting. *insert evil laugh here*
Until tomorrow, mwah!
I finished the second book of Mortal Instruments and now I'm waiting here, semi-patiently, tapping my fingers on the desk, for the third book to be released in two months. TWO, damn it.
And the major news of the day, I posted Chapter 15 of I've Been Looking For You. It's up on Twilighted and FF as of now. (Ugh, the drama! Hah.)
I feel almost like an evil scientist for posting something so angsty and then just leaving it on a cliffhanger. ...and I'm loving the reviews I'm getting. *insert evil laugh here*
Until tomorrow, mwah!
Wednesday, January 28
What's this?
I may or may not have finished writing Chapter 15 for IBL4Y last night and my lovely beta may or may not have sent me back the final product.
Hmmm... the world may never know.
Until I post it. Then you'll know.
So, here's what going on in my life - it iced over last night and people are freaking out down here because there's rarely ice or snow in the DFW area. So it took me an HOUR and a HALF to get to work, when it usually only takes me 25 minutes. Frakkin' people and their over-obsessive need to drive 10 mph when most of the ice has already melted.
I swear, one mention of ice or sleet down here and people go into 'crisis mode'. It's chaos. Schools close, businesses shut down early, people drive waaaaay too slow. It's tragic.
And I'm a little ashamed to call myself a Texan right now.
Come on people, we're better than this!
That's all I got.
Hmmm... the world may never know.
Until I post it. Then you'll know.
So, here's what going on in my life - it iced over last night and people are freaking out down here because there's rarely ice or snow in the DFW area. So it took me an HOUR and a HALF to get to work, when it usually only takes me 25 minutes. Frakkin' people and their over-obsessive need to drive 10 mph when most of the ice has already melted.
I swear, one mention of ice or sleet down here and people go into 'crisis mode'. It's chaos. Schools close, businesses shut down early, people drive waaaaay too slow. It's tragic.
And I'm a little ashamed to call myself a Texan right now.
Come on people, we're better than this!
That's all I got.
Tuesday, January 27
Edward Who?
I finished the first book of the Mortal Instruments trilogy, The City of Bones.
It's gooooood. And there's a lot of angst, which only makes it better.
I read most of it at work yesterday. Hah. I'm sure my co-workers think I'm insane for randomly laughing or smiling at the computer screen when all it looks like I'm doing is staring at the screen.
I don't care.
Totally worth it.
Suffice it to say, I didn't work on any of my fanfic last night. Oops.
It's gooooood. And there's a lot of angst, which only makes it better.
I read most of it at work yesterday. Hah. I'm sure my co-workers think I'm insane for randomly laughing or smiling at the computer screen when all it looks like I'm doing is staring at the screen.
I don't care.
Totally worth it.
Suffice it to say, I didn't work on any of my fanfic last night. Oops.
Monday, January 26
Procrastination, What's Your Function?
I'm procrastinating... again.
There's just something about my first story, I've Been Looking For You, that holds me up every time I want to start writing again.
On to other news, we recorded episode five of the podcast yesterday. And then Caitlin, Claire and I proceeded to waste the rest of the day talking to each other about random things. (Danielle had to leave.)
I have to work today (just like any other weekday) and I'll try to work on Chapter 15 tonight, if we're slow at work.
*EDIT: I forgot to mention that I'm starting a new series called 'The Mortal Instruments' by Cassandra Clare, thanks to several recommendations from various people. AND, drum roll please, I'M GOING TO TWI-CON!
That's right, folks. I secured my place at Twi-Con 2009.
...are you going?
There's just something about my first story, I've Been Looking For You, that holds me up every time I want to start writing again.
On to other news, we recorded episode five of the podcast yesterday. And then Caitlin, Claire and I proceeded to waste the rest of the day talking to each other about random things. (Danielle had to leave.)
I have to work today (just like any other weekday) and I'll try to work on Chapter 15 tonight, if we're slow at work.
*EDIT: I forgot to mention that I'm starting a new series called 'The Mortal Instruments' by Cassandra Clare, thanks to several recommendations from various people. AND, drum roll please, I'M GOING TO TWI-CON!
That's right, folks. I secured my place at Twi-Con 2009.
...are you going?
Sunday, January 25
What happens when nine Twilighters get together...
In our defense, it was late. But sadly, we were completely sober.
My favorite part: Rob peeking out of the bushes. I LOVE IT!
My favorite part: Rob peeking out of the bushes. I LOVE IT!
Saturday, January 24
Well, Hello There
I'm trying this fancy 'blogging' thing out. I had a blog for a couple of years in college, but gave it up after a while from... well, from lack of caring about posting.
But this one is going to be different.
This is my fanfic/RL blog, where you'll be able to find out what's going on with me and what I'm focusing on writing. This way it won't seem like I've forgotten y'all from the month to month updates I post.
...and maybe the number of PMs asking me if I've abandoned whichever story you follow will decrease as well.
So, here we go.
Right now, I'm working on the next chapter (#15) of 'I've Been Looking For You'. It's going to be titled 'Funeral', so its content should be pretty much self-explanatory.
Also, I'm randomly adding to the next (and final) chapter of 'Happy Birthday to Me' whenever the mood strikes me. It'll be a rather long chapter because I have a couple of things to address. And no, it's not all going to be smut.
And lastly, I'm writing 'Resident Geek' when I can't add anything useful to the ones above.
Between those three, I'm also working full-time, trying to maintain my relationship with the boyfriend, co-hosting a podcast, and finding the time to beta the stories I've agreed to take on. (Now, hopefully, you see why it might take me a while to post something new.)
That's all for now.
But this one is going to be different.
This is my fanfic/RL blog, where you'll be able to find out what's going on with me and what I'm focusing on writing. This way it won't seem like I've forgotten y'all from the month to month updates I post.
...and maybe the number of PMs asking me if I've abandoned whichever story you follow will decrease as well.
So, here we go.
Right now, I'm working on the next chapter (#15) of 'I've Been Looking For You'. It's going to be titled 'Funeral', so its content should be pretty much self-explanatory.
Also, I'm randomly adding to the next (and final) chapter of 'Happy Birthday to Me' whenever the mood strikes me. It'll be a rather long chapter because I have a couple of things to address. And no, it's not all going to be smut.
And lastly, I'm writing 'Resident Geek' when I can't add anything useful to the ones above.
Between those three, I'm also working full-time, trying to maintain my relationship with the boyfriend, co-hosting a podcast, and finding the time to beta the stories I've agreed to take on. (Now, hopefully, you see why it might take me a while to post something new.)
That's all for now.
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